Principal’s Speaks…
Each child in the school identifies himself or herself as belonging to a class. When one says,
“I’m in class Two” the other says, “I’m in class Seven”, and another says, “I’m in Ten”
Even a teacher would identify more often with her class: ‘I am the teacher of Standard Ten’, and so on. Whatever may be the level of education one pursues, as far as one identifies oneself as a student in a school, the idea of belonging to a CLASS is dearest to the heart of a student. To identify oneself this way is the beauty of a child, the beauty of an educational institution and this is the beauty of education itself: to see and realize that ‘I am a part, or a member, or a collaborator of a larger group.’ Can we say that the communitarian thinking is in our very blood? Seen this way, the identity of the person of the child itself strives to grow from individualistic attitude to that of a community.
It is said: ‘Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.’ This is true in our Little Flower High School. We are striving to form such championship winners, winners of life’s challenges, who can believe in teamwork and utilize their individual intelligence in building up the nation with cooperation. As mentioned above the teachers and the students along with their parents can provide an atmosphere of growth more effectively with a firm belief in the community model of functioning. This leads each one involved in this process of education to assume social responsibility and to be witnesses to the young minds of the same.
Again, the service too becomes meaningful in a communitarian scenario. We aim to render service in such a way that the young students learn to appreciate cooperation than competition by which everyone experiences the feelings of a winner. In this process we also give due importance to elicit the best from the students, by providing suitable motivation and by meeting the high challenges the present-day budding intellects pose.
True spirit of education of students does not consider the students as empty pots that are to be filled but the powerful candles which when ignited can illumine the world with the finest and unique glow. Let me salute the powerful and potential lights of the society and nation at large as I do my part in igniting the flames in the Little Flower High School. I assume this responsibility with gratitude to God who illumines each mind by opening his wisdom to his loving children. I am convinced that I am here in the Little Flower High School as a collaborator with the students, parents, staff and the Management in realizing the above-mentioned process of growth of the students and taking this institution to greater heights.
Sr. Apoline Pais